Accurate Nutritional Analysis for Dieticians with Food Processor

Dawn Jackson Blatner is a registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics. She is the nutrition consultant for the Chicago Cubs, a food and nutrition blogger with Huffington Post, serves as a nutrition expert on the advisory board of SHAPE Magazine, and is a celebrity diet consultant for PEOPLE Magazine. She is the author of two award-winning books: The Flexitarian Diet, ranked a top plant-based diet by US News & World Report and The Superfood Swap.

When Dawn’s career shifted and she found herself taking on more writing assignments, which included developing and publishing more recipes, she needed a software that would meet her recipe analysis and labeling needs. She staked her reputation on Trustwell’s Food Processor Nutrition Analysis program and has been delighted with her decision ever since.

Enhancing writing and nutrition research credentials with Food Processor

Dawn wanted to ensure that the nutritional analysis was accurate for the recipes she was creating and that the source of analysis was credible, so she went looking for nutrition software that would live up to her professional standards and offer accurate results.

“I was at FNCE (Food Nutrition Conference & Expo) and spoke with two companies who were both offering recipe analysis software. I went with the lower cost option.”

This, it turned out, was the wrong decision.

“A few months later I was in a meeting with a large restaurant corporation and kept hearing about Trustwell (formerly called ESHA Research). That was when I realized my mistake. If one of the world’s largest quick-service food chains was using Trustwell’s products, that meant I should probably reconsider.”

Dawn didn’t want to stake her reputation on a lower-quality platform. Trustwell, she said, had name-brand recognition and it was the obvious industry leader.

A respected company, popular program, a cloud option

With Food Processor, Dawn knew she was getting accurate information that she could trust. In 2008, Dawn published her first book and was cementing her name as a nutrition writer with such magazines as Shape and People. She wanted to be sure that her nutrition data was trustworthy, accurate and up-to-date. Trustwell delivered. Dawn’s busy life posed an additional problem, however. She wasn’t able to update the Food Processor program as frequently as she would have liked to. Again, she looked to Trustwell for a solution. With tech support’s assistance, Dawn was able to migrate all of her data to the cloud version of Food Processor.

Results which speak for themselves: Up-to-date data and an intact reputation

Using the cloud version of Food Processor allows Dawn to work on-the-go while remaining confident that she has access to the latest ingredient information and government regulations, including the new label format, which Dawn uses to illustrate her articles.

“I feel comfortable submitting recipes and diet analysis to all my media work in national magazines, food brands, and books,” she said, “And knowing that the nutrition facts use the latest data available. Food Processor has been an invaluable asset to my career.”