Agenda Block Example

This block can have up to four images over the large logo mark. The images display in different aspect ratios depending on the count. Only one hero block can be added to a page.

How To | Style Guide | Content Styles | Accessibility Tips | Page Blocks

11:10 am – 3:00 pm

Click here to apply for one of the twenty Fast Round spots.

This is how a ‘Fast Round” works:

  • It’ll be just you and Joe onstage, both sitting on bar stools.
  • Joe will ask questions, the kind he’d ask if he walked up to your trade show booth.
  • Joe won’t prepare in advance. In fact, the less he knows, the better.
  • Joe will start with this question: “Tell us your name, where you work, and why we should care.”
  • Questions will flow naturally from there.
  • Joe may also ask (so be prepared): “Teach us something about your work (but not in any way self-promotional) that you believe the average guest in our audience may not know.
  • If you choose to bring something onstage, it will be small enough for you to carry on and off the stage.
  • You’ll need to fill out a simple one-page template. During our three minutes, we’ll project it onscreen to aid visual learners. It will also appear in show photographs (and can subsequently be used for your social media efforts).
  • It will be recorded and professionally

lited for your later use, however you see

11:00 am – 1:00 pm
