Genesis Classic Tutorials

Check out our tutorials to help you get familiar with Genesis Classic (formerly Genesis R&D Foods).

Getting Started with Genesis Classic

If you’re new to the program, start with these tutorials that go over the basics of the program.

Creating a User-Defined Nutrient

This tutorial shows you how to create a new nutrient.


How to Create a New Ingredient

This tutorial shows how to add an ingredient that is not already in the database.


How to Create a New Ingredient (En Español)

Este tutorial muestra cómo agregar un ingrediente que aún no está en la base de datos.


Creating a New Recipe in Genesis Classic

Learn how to create a Recipe and cover a few of the Recipe Analysis reports available.


Creating a New Recipe (En Español)

Aprenda a crear una receta y cubra algunos de los informes de análisis de recetas disponibles.


Displaying a Nutrition Facts Label

This tutorial shows you how to create and modify a Standard US Nutrition Facts Labels in Genesis Classic. Note: Changes made in label settings only apply to the Recipe that you are working with.


Displaying a Nutrition Facts Label (En Español)

La creación de una etiqueta es uno de los fundamentos del uso de Genesis Clásico. Este tutorial le muestra cómo crear y modificar una etiqueta de información nutricional estándar. Nota: Los cambios realizados en la configuración de la etiqueta solo se aplican a la receta con la que está trabajando.


Understanding and Using Preferences

This tutorial quickly reviews the My Preferences options, including the number of decimal places displayed, display weight unit of measure, search limit count, report fonts, margins, and more.


Understanding and Using Preferences (En Español)

Genesis Clásico permite una variedad de configuraciones de personalización, la mayoría de las cuales se almacenan en MyPreferences. Este tutorial revisa rápidamente las opciones de MyPreferences.

Nota: Las preferencias son específicas de cada usuario, especificar Preferencias le permite personalizar su espacio de trabajo y su flujo de trabajo.


Nutrients and Ingredients in Genesis Classic

If you’re working with nutrients and ingredients, these tutorials cover tasks like adding measurements, checking nutritional data, customizing nutrient lists, and more.

Adding a Household Measure to an Ingredient

This tutorial shows you how to add a user-friendly measurement for your Ingredients.


Using the Check Data Feature

This tutorial walks you through the steps for using the Check Data feature in the software.


Using Nutrients to View Effectively

This tutorial will show you how to add, modify and save nutrient lists.


Calculate Nutrients Feature

Learn how to convert previous nutrient standards and units of measure to the most current ones.


Composite Ingredients

The Composite Ingredient™ feature allows you to create an ingredient from averaged ingredient data.


Exporting Your Data

This tutorial will show you how to export one report, copy/paste a report, or export many reports at once.


Recipes in Genesis Classic

If you’re working on recipes, these tutorials cover how to fill in missing nutrient data and choose the correct yield options for raw or cooked ingredients, and more.

Find and Populate Missing Nutrient Data

This tutorial will show you how to check for missing nutrient data using the Spreadsheet report, what to look for, and how to fix any issues.


Yield Options in the Database: Cooked vs Raw

This tutorial shows you how you can select appropriate forms of your ingredients considering the preparation and cooking processes.


Overriding Recipe Nutrient Values

Learn the basic steps for overriding the program-calculated nutrient values in your Recipes. Override values will appear on the label and in reports.


Adjusting for Moisture Loss

Cooking often results in a processing loss, frequently in the form of moisture, or water. This tutorial shows you how to adjust for that.


Calculating Brix

This tutorial will show you how to calculate brix, the sugar content of a solution, and display a brix value in Genesis Classic.


Adding Costs to Recipes

Add costs to your ingredients and Genesis Classic will calculate the total and per-serving costs of the recipe.


Scaling a Recipe for Larger or Smaller Batches

This tutorial will walk you through the steps of scaling your Recipe to make larger or smaller batches. Note: This feature is a simple multiplication or division tool. It doesn’t adjust cooking time or temperature.


Exporting Your Recipe as an Ingredient

This tutorial will guide you through how to export your Recipes or Formulas as Ingredients in Genesis Classic, which allows you to share the nutrient data without disclosing the Formula details.


Finding and Populating Missing Data

To make sure your Recipes are accurate, we recommend that you check for missing nutrient data using the Spreadsheet report. This tutorial will show you what to look for and how to fix any issues.


Use Fat Formulator to Create Custom Meat or Dairy Blends

The Fat Formulator lets you blend two ingredients to create a meat or dairy ingredient with a specific percentage of fat. This tutorial will walk you through the steps for creating a meat blend and a dairy blend.


Reports, Searching Tips, Auditing, and Documentation

If you’re looking to refine your skills, these tutorials cover advanced features like ingredient/recipe searches, nutrient analysis reports, audit tracking, document management and more.

Recipe and Ingredient Reports Overview

This tutorial provides an overview of the reports available in Genesis Classic to help you analyze your recipes and ingredients.


Using the Advanced Search Feature

In this tutorial, you will learn how to find Recipes that contain certain ingredients using the Advanced Search feature.


Groups for Organization and Narrowing Searches

Using Groups is an efficient method for organizing data and records in Genesis Classic, for making searches easier, and more.


Using F5 Nutrient Search

This tutorial will demonstrate how to perform a F5 Nutrient Search for ingredients that meet the nutrient content parameters you set.


Using the Audit Trail Feature

The Audit Trail feature records and reports changes made to Ingredients, Recipes, Food Menus, and Advanced Labels.


Attaching Files to Records

This tutorial demonstrates how to attach documents to ingredients, recipes, persons, and food menus in Genesis Classic.


Statements and Claims

Learn how to create and customize ingredient and allergen statements, add user-defined allergens to the database, set nutrient content claims, and utilize features in Genesis Classic to manage disclosures, including tracking sulfites.

Creating and Customizing Your Ingredient Statement

Explore the changes you can make to the automatically created Ingredient Statement.


Creating and Modifying Your Allergen Statement

This tutorial covers how to modify your Allergen Statement in Genesis Classic.


Adding User-Defined Allergens to the Database

This tutorial will show you how to add allergens to the database.


Setting Nutrient Content Claims

Genesis Classic offers nutrient content claims guidance for Mexico, Canada, and the United States. This tutorial demonstrates how to use the Claims feature in the program.


Using the Attributes Feature in Genesis Classic

Attributes feature tracks ingredient and recipe properties to comply with labeling laws or support claims. In this tutorial, we cover how to use the Attributes feature.


Tracking and Disclosing Sulfites

This tutorial will show you how to enter sulfite data at the ingredient level, see sulfites in your Recipes and declare sulfites in your ingredient statement using Genesis Classic.


Nutrition Facts Labels

These tutorials cover general functions in Genesis Classic, North America and EU label formats, and additional format options.

General Functions

Creating Multiple Labels from One Recipe

In this tutorial, we will walk you through using the Advanced Label option in Genesis Classic for creating multiple labels for each package size or country from a single recipe.


Adding a UPC Barcode to Your Nutrition Label Report

For use by those familiar with the generation of UPC barcodes, this tutorial shows you the steps for adding a UPC Barcode to your label report in Genesis Classic.


Displaying Voluntary Nutrients on Your Label

Learn the steps for displaying voluntary nutrients on your Nutrition Facts label. This tutorial also covers the other nutrient options that are available in the program.


U.S. Nutrition, Restaurant Menu and Oregon Cannabis Label Formats

Creating a US Bilingual Nutrition Facts Label

Learn how to create a U.S. English/Spanish bilingual Nutrition Facts Label. Options include separate panels for each language or a single panel displaying both.


Creating a Child Nutrition Facts Label

Create a child nutrition facts panel in Genesis Classic. There are differences in DVs and the nutrients that are allowed on the nutrition facts label for infants and children.


Creating an Aggregrate Nutrition Facts Label

In this tutorial, you’ll learn to create an Aggregate Nutrition Facts Label for packages with multiple individual items or interchangeable containers.


Creating a Dual-Column Nutrition Facts Label | Per Serving & Per Container

This tutorial will show you how to use the Label Settings to create a Dual Column label from a single Recipe.


Creating a Dual-Column Nutrition Facts Label | Different Forms of the Food

This tutorial shows you how to take two Recipes to generate a Dual Column Nutrition Facts label for as package/as prepared.


Creating a Dual-Column Nutrition Facts Label | For 150-200% of the RACC

This tutorial applies to packages with less than 2 servings (200% RACC) or optionally for those with 1 ½–2 servings (150–200% RACC).


Creating Menus and Menu Labels using Genesis Classic

This tutorial shows you how to create a Menu Label Report for your restaurant menus using Genesis Classic.


Recipes and Labels for Edible Cannabis Products in Oregon

This tutorial walks you through the entire process of creating a compliant label for cannabis edibles sold in Oregon.


Canada, Mexico and European Union Nutrition Label Formats

Creating a Nutrition Facts Label for Canada

This tutorial will show you how to create Nutrition Facts Tables for products sold in Canada, including how to create bilingual labels.


Creating a Nutrition Facts Label for Mexico

Learn to create a label that conforms to the 2020 Norma Official Mexicana (NOM) regulations, including making a bilingual label and adding voluntary nutrients.


Creating a Nutrition Facts Label for Mexico (En Español)

Aprenda a crear una etiqueta que se ajuste a la Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM) 2020, incluyendo hacer una etiqueta bilingüe y agregar nutrientes voluntarios.


Creating a French and French/English Bilingual Nutrition Facts Label for Canada

This tutorial will show you how to create a Health Canada compliant Nutrition Facts Table in French and French/English.


Creating a Canada Dual Format Label for Different Amounts of Food

Dual Format Nutrition Facts Tables are used when it’s appropriate to display nutrition information for more than one serving size. This tutorial will show you how to create Canadian Dual Format labels.


Creating a Nutrition Facts Label for the European Union

This tutorial will show you how to create a European Union compliant  Nutrition Facts table. The EU label module incorporates label formats and regulations that comply with the EU nutrition labeling laws.


Creating Front-of-Package Warning Seals and Statements for Mexico

This tutorial will cover how to create compliant Front-of-Package warning seals using Genesis Classic. Note: this tutorial is from 2020 and some verbiage in the “Designations” section has changed.


Creating Front-of-Package Warning Seals and Statements for Mexico (En Español)

Este tutorial cubrirá cómo crear sellos de advertencia en el frente del paquete que cumplan con las normas usando Genesis Classic. Nota: este tutorial es de 2020 y parte de la palabrería en la sección “Designaciones” ha cambiado.


Additional Format Options

Using a PER Value to Display %DV Protein on a Child Label

This tutorial will show you how to enter the PER value and display a %DV for protein on your nutrition facts label.


Using PDCAAS Value to Display %DV Protein on a Label

This tutorial will show you how to calculate a PDCAAS value and display a %DV for protein on your nutrition facts label.


Moving Label Nutrients to the Not a Significant Source of Footnote

This tutorial shows you how to move all eligible nutrients to the insignificant footnote as well as override individual nutrients options.


Hiding Quantitative Values on Linear and Tabular Labels

This tutorial shows you how to choose to hide the %DV footnote or hide quantitative values and just show the %DV.


Using the Added Sugars Symbol and Statement

Updated for FDA’s July 2019 guidance, learn how to label Added Sugars for 100% maple syrup, honey, or sweetened cranberry products.


Displaying a Specific Sugar Alcohol on Your Nutrition Facts Label

U.S. and Canada labeling regulations allow you to list the specific sugar alcohol on your Nutrition Facts label if there is only one type present. This tutorial shows you how to do so in Genesis R&D Foods.


Using the Attributes Feature

This tutorial shows how to use the Attributes feature in Genesis Classic to track bioengineered (BE) materials for mandatory labeling compliance. The same steps apply to custom attributes like vegan or gluten-free claims.